Ms Lapthorne's father, Dale, said the sacking of Ivan Kresic would never bring back his daughter, but the Croatian police might now start a serious investigation into her disappearance and death.Croatian police chief who bungled the investigation into the disappearance of Melbourne backpacker Britt Lapthorne has been sacked."I had absolutely no confidence in the head of police in Dubrovnik," Mr Lapthorne said. "He was in denial that there was any crime there at all."Britt Lapthorne, 21, disappeared in the coastal town on September 18. Her badly decomposed body was found in the sea on October 8.Mr Lapthorne was angry when he was not told by Dubrovnik police that a body matching his daughter's description was found in the sea. Local police insisted it could not be hers, even though an autopsy proved it was.
Acting Croatian police commissioner Vladimir Faber said the sacking was part of a nationwide shake-up of the country's police.He said Mr Kresic had lost his job because of an inability to tackle serious drug trafficking, corruption and the bungled Lapthorne investigation."We weren't satisfied with the speed of police reaction in the case of Britt Lapthorne," he told reporters in Dubrovnik."Although the fact remains that she would not have been saved even with a faster police reaction, somebody has to take responsibility for the fact that there was a five to six-day delay before a serious investigation and quality action was undertaken by leading police."Mr Lapthorne said the shake-up of the police force was a brave move.
"I think the man who was the head of the police in Dubrovnik had the cushiest job in Croatia as he was always in a state of denial that there was crime there," he said.
"He was never a professional policeman, he was just a political appointment."